Jozee Designs
We don't have to tell you how important a logo is. Your attention here probably means you need a logo or want your current logo improved in some way. We've done a bunch and we're proud that they all look unique. How can we help with yours?
Is a business without a Web site taken seriously or considered legit? From concept to completion and search engine optimized, we can help with every step in the process of building a new site, refreshing your current site, or creating a mobile Web site optimized for small screen devices.
A unified, consistent look carried throughout all your marketing materials presents a professional face to the world. Combine design, copy writing and editing skills and you've got something great.
As a graphic representation of information or to convey a mood, illustrations should enhance and clarify, not compete with the message, making the visual impact richer and your message more memorable.
We don't claim to be professional wordsmiths but, when it comes to writing, editing, correcting and organizing, we give text the same effort and respect as we do the visual elements.
Yes, everyone has Photoshop now, but excellent photo retouching requires knowledge of art, color, composition, proportion, and the vision to see how something should or could look instead of how it currently appears.
Some of our logos